... 'cause a boarding party don't stop until all hostiles on the target vessel are neutralized or captured.
Cultural Collective marines and breaching drone
15 mm
"Maintain spacing! Watch your angles! Advance on my mark." |
While life as a citizen of the Cultural Collective is generally one of fulfilling work and hedonistic leisure in a low-scarcity economy, utopia is not without consequence. In addition to its overt and covert diplomatic interaction with other galactic powers, the CC is constantly engaged in a variety of low-level military endeavours against renegades, pirates, rebellious elements, and adjacent domains with whom it is not officially at war.
No citizen is compelled to serve in the CC's armed forces. Instead, service simply appeals to a certain subset of the population who enjoy the the combination of action, violence, and relatively low personal risk due to advanced weapons and armour. Periodic
excesses may occur, but the average CC resident considers these a small price to pay for freedom and security, if they are aware of them at all.
I decided to keep a cool blue "authentically military" look for these guys, with only the white helmets to offset it and tie them in with the robot. The yellow markings* on the bases (colour printed and slightly weathered with paint) help with both colour contrast and visual unity.
* The square yellow signs are tiny versions of "Autonomous Device" and "Self-Replicating System" from
this interesting collection of future warning signs - good eye-candy for any industrial or military sci-fi scenery :)