
Monday, April 01, 2013

Jean Jockey (Half Life 2 WIP)

Alyx's jeans, a.k.a. sometimes we can rise to a painting challenge:

Ooh, me aching eyeballs.  But, so far so good...  I enjoy painting denim, for some reason that worn, faded blue look is so satisfying.


  1. Very nice! Faded denim is hard to do in 15mm, but you have done an amazing job, kudos Allison!

    1. Thanks, I think I exaggerated the contrast a bit, but 1) that's kind of my style, and 2) I can probably fix that a bit with some touch ups and washing later, if I choose.

      Once the figure was base coated it was a LOT easier to see details, so I can refer less to Jen Haley's paintjob and let my own interpretation develop (and also not get frustrated that it's not as good). I'm already digging the skin tone I picked, which is definitely darker than the game character (who is Black-Caucasian), and in fact looks almost "desi".

    2. Faded denim is hard to do. Period. No matter the scale it's not easy to make it look right yet he did success doing (congrats!).

      I'm not really sure about smoothing contrast thru washes aplication though, as it may kill the achieved denim effect.

  2. Nice job so far the denim is great.

  3. Yep, they do look like $160.00 used-new jeans found in the better pant shops! Great job!

    1. Or, for free if you are just looting around in City 17, post-Combine invasion.

  4. Great job! I've rarely seen better results, even on 28mm.

  5. Extremely convincing denim Allison, well worth the aching eyeballs I think! You'd never catch me making that much effort- even if I had the ability, which I don't! (Bows down in humble obeisance- not obesity by the way, although that could apply!).

  6. Okay, big kudos for making the tops of the thighs (a.k.a. the "hand wipe" section) look a dirtier than the surrounding area.

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