The Fourth Doctor
28 mm

My favorite Doctor, all done! Just in time to reconcile the Tesh with the Sevateem, and defeat the Zygons, and the Sontarans, and the Rutans, and Weng-Chiang, and Sutekh, and become President of Gallifrey...
I'm pretty satisfied with the red/burgundy colour of his jacket, despite pinkish highlights which admittedly seem realistic enough. Apart from the eyes, which were not well sculpted and a challenge to make
just manic enough,
the scarf was probably the toughest part to get looking right. But that was almost the most critical part, considering how iconic it is:
"101 uses for Tom Baker's scarf"
Fortunately, someone has devoted a
whole website to careful descriptions of the scarf, including instructions for how to knit your own... I love you, internet.