28 mm scale

SLR? More like SL ARGH! When is flash ever helpful for macro shooting? When?
So, although it's not my best painting, and definitely not my best photography, I entered this mini in the WAMPED! contest over at the increasingly-popular Wargames And Miniatures Paradise. I feel I should represent, even if it isn't with anything outstanding.
Good points, IMO: the pale blue bot base colour, exactly what I was trying for. Also the display base he's sitting on turned out Star Trek-style clean, which matches the bot, rather than Firefly-grimy. Not-so-good: some fairly impatient blending on the bot, especially in the difficult areas of the legs where the casting wasn't so hot. Also, that nice, clean base lacks detail, and therefore visual interest (a few gubbins from the 1:300 Soviet navy sprue don't help much).