
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cyberpunk Standoff

Cyberpunk Standoff
15 mm

Police and thieves in the street, oh yeah
Fighting the nation with their guns and ammunition

On the neon-lit, corporate-controlled streets of the mega-cities of the future, those with the power make the law, and those with the money have the power.  A B-Secur private police officer faces off with a mysterious hacker... Is he a mere criminal, or a revolutionary?  Is there a difference any more?

I've had these Khurasan figures in my collection for years.  They're really cool (especially the gangers), but they're scaled a bit small to fit in well with my other 15mm figures, and so they've unfortunately languished.  I'll see if I can get them painted up and post them in a bit.


  1. They look lovely, and the cityscape shot is great!

    Cyberpunk is floating my boat at the moment, I think that I am going to dig out some suitable figs that I have been promising to paint for years and give them the treatment.

    Do you think that you will get some cyberpunk gaming in?

    1. Thanks! I don't actually play any tabletop games, believe it or not... Just a painter :)

  2. Too bad I zoomed and that was a yellow helmet not a guy with a girlie blond hairdo.

    That could have happened in mega city one.

    I really dig the corporate chap. Zoomed looks like Morpheus from the matrix but all in all could be a Syndicate agent. In the last iteration (first person shooter) there's a rival corp agent wearing straight white...

    1. > guy with a girlie blond hairdo

      I'll see what I can do... ;)

      Glad you like. I definitely wanted to call out Morpheus with this guy (it's hard not to), but still keep him distinctive. And leave his appearance as neither an obvious hero/villain.

  3. Terrific! I love the paintjob, but the pic is awesome, so powerful! Cool.

    1. Thanks, it was fun to set up! I have a pretty good collection of scenery elements by now.

  4. The first picture is perfect, a great way to create the setting.
    Lovely work as always!


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