
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Big Damn Heroes

Captain Tightpants
15 mm

"This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode. "

A former rebel, a thief, a freelance trader and an all-round rogue with a heart of gold, the Captain inspires loyalty in his crew of misfits and outlaws.  His battle-worn brown coat reminds him that while he may once have been on the losing side, he's still not convinced it was the wrong one...

Ship and crew

Well, that makes the entire crew... definitely a couple of nice sets (1, 2) from Ground Zero Games.  I picked up the perfect ship for them too, the "Glow-worm class freighter", in roughly the same scale as the last one I painted.

You can't take the sky from me...

Friday, June 23, 2017

Let's be Bad Guys

Warrior Woman and Hired Gun
15 mm

"Are those grenades?"
"Cap'n doesn't want them." 
"We're robbing the place, we're not occupying it." 

Here's my second-last post of GZG's spaceship crew figures: the muscle.  Here we have the Captain's loyal war buddy turned First Mate, and a distinctly more mercenary fighter from the crew.  Both very deadly in a fight.  I'll admit to sculpting on the mercenary's hat after painting was well underway... not the first time I've done that.  Sometimes you just start to see that a figure needs something extra.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Stag Party

28 mm

Here's another model that's a bit different from my usual fare.  It's not often that I have a chance to tout fantastic(al) Latin-American author Jorge Luis Borges on this blog, but here's my chance.  The griffon-like Peryton is his creation, from his 1957 Book of Imaginary Beings.  If you read one Latin-American author ever... maybe it should be Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but Borges seems a lot more fun ;)

The figure is Reaper Bones Peryton (A Julie Guthrie sculpt!); it was a Christmas gift from my daughter :)

As usual, I'm seeing a lot of things I should improve or fix now that I've taken photos, but that will have to wait for another time...