
Monday, May 14, 2012

Gun Molls

Wasteland Women
15 mm

The Apocalypse is a hard time to be a woman: sadly, the collapse of all civilization tends to strike a severe blow against gender equality, in addition to mutants trying to eat you. But between Gloria's cool hand on the 12-gauge, and Pippi's willingness to solve most problems with extreme aggression, it turns out the waste lands will have to have room for a feminine touch... or else!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Back in the saddle... maybe?

We're slowly settling into our new house, so I'd like to try and do a bit of painting in the wee hours.  I thought I'd start with two more of Khurasan's nifty little post-apocalyptic characters.

Wasteland Women
15 mm

 Two tough female survivors...  Packing heat and, apparently, hairspray.