As a kid in the 80s, I played with the classic 80's toys - especially GI Joe and Transformers - almost every day. In the last while I've run into the blogs of a few hobbyists who are tabletop-gaming 28mm GI Joe... It's a pretty cool idea, and presents the chance for lots of fun hobby projects. From Katsuhiko Jinnai's "
The Realm of Jinnai":
Wow... stunning work, and nostalgia overload :O I am unsure where he gets all these amazing figures; some are clearly conversions but many seem to be custom sculpts?!
Now I've found a very cool new thing.:
For Cobraaaaa! |
For Eterniaaaaa! |
Like Jinnai,
Doctor Merkury does a lot of converting to produce his Joes... and He-Man characters! And my personal fave: he 3-D prints Transformers! What?!
As a bonus, both these bloggers are fantastic photographers who use backdrops and terrain pieces to maximum effect showing off their work... which I can really appreciate :D